It’s estimated that in the UK, there’s a burglary occurrence every 40 seconds, but smart doorbell can be the answer.
The emotional journey of having your property invaded can be deeply distressing.
Fortunately, technology has evolved. We are able to see who’s there – even when absent.
The Hikvision smart doorbell combined with the Hik Connect app steams a live video to your mobile device and offers two-way communication. Running on Hikvision’s cloud platform, you can communicate with visitors worldwide.
The main benefits provided by the Hikvision smart doorbell are as followed:
- Someone is ‘always’ home
The Hikvision smart doorbell provides peace of mind and allows you to pretend you’re at home when absent.
- Unlimited convenience
The two-way audio lets you communicate to whoever is outside. Great for informing a visitor you’ll answer the door soon.
- Always connected
Hik Connect gives you the ability to receive alerts remotely, meaning you will never miss a call. Live video footage will confirm parcel deliveries, children’s home arrival or unwanted visitors.
No matter the circumstance, stay safe with our Hikvision products and services.
To stay safe we are taught stranger danger, not to share personal information about yourself, and don’t answer the door to someone you don’t recognise.
Old-school techniques such as chain locks, and peep holes let you see who’s at the door without giving them the opportunity to come in.
Technology has advanced. We can now see who’s there – even if we’re not at home.
Hikvision | Hik Connect App
Combined, the product and service let you see exactly who you are dealing with in the palm of your own hands. You are able to communicate via the smart doorbell. Giving you every opportunity to keep yourself and family safe by removing potential risks.
Each burglar spent an estimated 12 minutes per offence with potential access to the victims valuables.
In 2019/2020 there were over 356,000 burglaries in England and Wales. To ensure maximum safety Securitatem Installations offer various products and services:
Personalised fitted safe
A fitted safe is a natural deterrent to someone who has invaded your home. High security safes take hours to pick, therefore if a burglar were to see the safe they are more than likely to move on.
CCTV systems including mobile app
Enhance your sense of security, you can freely enjoy daily activities without the worry of intrusion or theft.
Review footage and receive notifications via your mobile app when movement is detected around the perimeter of your property, or when someone enters.
Monitored Policed alarm system
Securitatem Installations are an NSI Gold installer.