With the change in seasons and the closing of another year, there is much to celebrate in the winter months. Together with the joy of the season, comes the longer hours of darkness brought on by the changes for daylight saving time and with that comes the increased threat of burglary.

Most incidents of burglary take place when the day is at its darkest. The period between October to March, allows a greater opportunity for criminal activity. However, with adequate counter measures, you will feel reassured even on the darkest of nights.

Our CCTV systems can be fitted with infer red, heat vision or colour vue, allowing the camera to monitor and record clear pictures throughout the night.

If your property is situated remotely, you may also want to consider the programming of line cross zones system connected security lights and designated activation times. Any movement over the lines during the designated activation times, causes light beams, alarms and mobile notifications to be triggered, encouraging unwanted visitors to leave.

Beams can also be beneficial when located in evaluated positions around your property. If the beams are crossed a chime will sound through the alarm system to notify you of activity.

At Securitatem Installations, we remain committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all our customers. Our installations team will be continuing their vital work throughout the winter months ahead, performing installations, maintenance, and servicing across the country.

To find out more information about our services – Click Here

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